Archive for January, 2011

And an Icy New Year

Posted in Embroidery, everyday life on January 6, 2011 by suetortoise

I came back home from spending Christmas with my parents, on the 29th of January. Since when I can’t let any water down the kitchen sink or use the washing machine, as the external pipework has suffered from the weather and my grey-water is flooding back into the flats below. We still have a thick layer of ice in the courtyard, and nobody can get into it to sort things out.

I’m also very busy at the office, and things-to-do keep mounting up at home too. But I am working on a new project for the embroidery pages. Nobody has asked me to tackle any specific topics, but I’ve noticed ‘Hardanger’ cropping up as a search term on the blog. So I am working on a small Hardanger embroidery project which will teach the stitches and techniques that are also used in this cushion:

It may take a while, though!